On August 29th, the World Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors & Descendants met in Warsaw Poland for an historic…
Professor Adam Rotfeld gave a speech about forgiveness and reconciliation.
To read the speech, click here: Professor Adam Rotfeld’s Speech “Memory of Nations. About the Right to Forgive and Reconciliation”
Opening night ceremony video: click here to go to video
Polish TV Documentary: click here to watch video
Please click here to view the Warsaw 2011 conference photo album: Warsaw 2011 Photo Presentation
Excellent quality photo gallery from Andrzej Chomczyk (click to visit):
From Stefanie Seltzer, President WFJCSHD:
One of the most moving events of our conference was the ceremony honoring the Righteous Among the Nations who had not yet been honored by Yad Vashem. This event was organized by the Israeli Embassy, to be celebrated at our conference. Seven Righteous were honored on the last day of our conference. The opening speech was by the Israeli Ambassador to Poland, but there was also the American Ambassador, as well as consuls of other countries, best known to us the Polish Consul to New York. It was very emotional for all of us, and particularly so for me, as one of the Righteous was from Radomsko, where my family had had a glass business and where I had been in the ghetto. I was excited to meet Sir Martin Gilbert; his family had also come from Radomsko and exchanged information about some people we both know. The lady mayor of Radomsko was also there, and I was stunned to learn that both she and the son of the Righteous knew the exact address of my family’s business.
It was also a very special event for Ida Paluch-Kersz and her brother Adam, as her rescuer was one of the honorees.
Click here to read more about the ceremony, and to read the program booklet: Rightous Among The Nations Award Ceremony
Click on the photo to see a Picasa photo album from the event.
What an incredible conference in Warsaw. The 23rd International Conference of the World Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors & Descendants was a powerful statement by the many who attended. Stefanie Seltzer, Rene Lichtman, Stephen Adler and the many others who worked so hard to make this a meaningful time deserve much credit.
As a non-survivor, but one who has been teaching Holocaust Education for many years, being a part of this conference was a once in a life-time experience.I was able to be on a panel with a dedicated group of educators and meet so many with inspiring stories.
My old friend, Rabbi Michael Schudrich, was a thrilling part of the conference. Elzbieta Ficowska and Renata Zajdman brought joy to my attendance, as we shared about the life of Irena Sendler, and my student’s project.
This conference was historic in every way, but more than historic, it made a statement about Tikkun Olam. Each dignitary who attended underscored the importance of this event. The final day was so inspiring and meaningful. I cherished my new friends from the conference and loved seeing my old friends. Thanks to the World Federation for your many hours of preparation and devotion to changing the world.
Norm Conard
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