2012 Cleveland Conference

The 2012 annual conference was a resounding success, with nearly 400 child survivors, family, and descendants attending.  We heard presentations from internationally known experts such as Robert Krell, Patrick Henry, Mordecai Paldiel, and Menachem Rosensaft.  There were captivating panel discussions on diverse topics including “Self Help in the Ghetto” and the future of holocaust education.  You can read the full text of the presentations by following the links below.

Plenary Presentations

Robert Krell: “30 Years of Friendship, Healing & Education – Our Legacy”

Patrick Henry: “Jewish Resistance to the Nazis” 

Mordecai Paldiel: “Righteous Gentiles and Courageous Jews” 

 Menachem Rosensaft: “Confronting the Demons of Hatred in the 21st Century

Panel Presentations

Conference Photographs

To see galleries of photos from the conference, see this post: Cleveland 2012 Photos

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