Thoughts about the Coronovirus, Isabel Alcoff, Second Generation, Penn Valley, Pennsylvania

One of the biggest concerns I have is for my parents, both child survivors.  They are in a retirement community and quarantined on separate sides of the building.  My sisters and I have not been able to visit them for weeks and talking on the phone is challenging because of hearing issues they both have.  The staff has been kind enough to let us face time once/week but not sure if that will continue now that they are on full quarantine.  That means you stay in your apartment and look out the window or watch TV and all meals are delivered.  There have been quarantines before when the flu went around, but it would end after about two weeks.  My problem is with how and when this will end.  I have too much time to sit and wonder and my imagination is cruel, the reality might be even worse.  If I could bring them here I would, but I am unable to take care of all their medical issues.  Wondering how other descendants are coping with this if you still have your parents/grandparents?   I have started writing them a letter every week about the family and people who have called and asked about them .  They were pleased about that.  Any other ideas?
I don’t want you to think that I am obsessing as I have my grown up son living with me and his two kids half of every week so there is plenty to do.  We are squeezing into my one bedroom apartment for a while. We are lucky to be able to go out for walks and feel the sun and see the flowers.  There are meals to plan, prepare, and clean up.  There is lots more cleaning necessary and home schooling.  I am busy.
My first grandson’s Bar Mitzvah is at the end of April and will end up being streamed on the computer, which breaks my heart.  I had always dreamed of that day.  I bought him a Tallit in Israel when he was just a little boy to be put away for that special day.  I bought a new dress months ago.  I thought we would go to Israel together this summer.  I know I should not complain.  We are healthy.  People out in the world are experiencing genuine tragedies.  Is a blog an opportunity to share thoughts without judgement? 
I’m thinking of all of my World Federation friends and I’m hoping you are healthy, perhaps we will meet again this year.  Too early for this long range planner to deal with that.  Wishing you all the best! 
Isabel Alcoff, Second Generation

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