The World Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors & Descendants (WFJHS&D) is deeply concerned about the humanitarian crisis now occurring in Ukraine.
As survivors, and children and grandchildren of survivors of the Holocaust, we are horrified about the terrible tragedy and the suffering now occurring to the Ukrainian people. We support the humanitarian efforts to protect the innocent civilians of Ukraine.
The Claims Conference has set aside millions of Euros and is doing everything in its power to help the ten thousand Holocaust Survivors that are still living in Ukraine. Four large truckloads with food, warm clothiers and sanitary necessaries have been sent from Germany to Ukraine.
The WFJCSHD has made a sizable donation to the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to help the Ukrainian refugees. We encourage our member groups and our general membership, to support charities in your respective countries that will help the Ukrainian refugees.
Stefanie Seltzer, President
Max Arpels Lezer, Executive Vice President
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