The 2012 annual conference was a resounding success, with nearly 400 child survivors, family, and descendants attending. We heard presentations from internationally known experts such as Robert Krell, Patrick Henry, Mordecai Paldiel, and Menachem Rosensaft. There were captivating panel discussions on diverse topics including “Self Help in the Ghetto” and the future of holocaust education. Continue Reading »
Here is a collection of photos from the 2012 Cleveland Conference. To see a photo larger, please click on the photo. Also, professionally photographed images are available from Mark Franks, here: Pollack Studio.
Our conference was a great success, with over 400 survivors and families, including 2G’s and 3G’s. We had many inspirational speakers, meaningful workshops, and engaging panels. Please keep looking at our website for updates. More photos to come. To see larger photos, please click on the thumbnail pictures.
Our good friend, Dr. Robert Krell spoke to us once again, and inspired us with his insights about our common past. To view his speech, followed by a brief biography, please click on the following link: Robert Krell speech Cleveland 2012
Polish public television TVP SA produced this documentary about the Warsaw 2011 conference. Click on the video below to watch. Polish and English with some Polish subtitles. Children Of The Holocaust (Polish TV) Warsaw 2011 from WFJHS&D on Vimeo. Polish TV documentary about the 2011 Warsaw meeting of the World Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors Continue Reading »
Click on the “play” button below to watch the video. You can set it to full screen using the four arrow button the lower right. Warsaw 2011 WFJHS&D Conference Opening Program from WFJHS&D on Vimeo. Warsaw 2011 WFJHS&D Conference Opening Program, Friday Aut 19 2011.
On August 29th, the World Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors & Descendants met in Warsaw Poland for an historic… Speeches Professor Adam Rotfeld gave a speech about forgiveness and reconciliation. To read the speech, click here: Professor Adam Rotfeld’s Speech “Memory of Nations. About the Right to Forgive and Reconciliation” Videos Opening night ceremony video: Continue Reading »
22nd Annual International Conference of Child Survivors and Families, 2G & 3G Skokie, Chicago, Illinois, USA November 4-7, 2010 Speech by Professor Peter Hayes, “Teaching the Holocaust in 21st Century”. Listen now: You can download the file here: Peter Hayes Lecture: Teaching The Holocaust. Speech and singing by Cantor Alberto Mizrahi, “A Living Traditon: Music of Continue Reading »
21st Annual International Conference: Generation To Generation… L’Dor V’Dor Speech of Rabbi Moshe Waldoks. Listen here: Click here to download the file. Jewish Rescuers Panel Presentation – George Mandel-Mantello, Presented by Judith Cohen, USHMM Jews Rescued Jews Committee Report – Paula Kaufmann and Berrie Asscher Rue Amelot JRJ Award Thank You Poland Jewish Cemeteries Restoration Project Presentation Continue Reading »
20th Annual International Conference of Child Survivors and Families, 2G & 3G: “Remembrance and Continuity” Alexandria, Virginia (Wash DC), USA November 7-10, 2008 Conference Photos
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