
Some thoughts, Anita Grosz, Second Generation, United Kingdom

Posted on March 30, 2020

During this unusual period of public fear and isolation, there has been more regular contact between my friends, groups and local organizations.  My synagogue has a weekly call around to all members.  I have a daily WhatsApp call with my 92 year old mother.  With friends, we have regular remote coffee time.  And, at home, Continue Reading »

A Thought, Jackie Young, United Kingdom

Posted on March 30, 2020

Hello Everyone, Unfortunately, I think our overall message to the world about the Holocaust will have to go on hold for the time being. Jackie Young, United Kingdom (originally from Vienna, Austria)

Reflections by Leon Kleiner, New Jersey

Posted on March 30, 2020

I, with four others, was hidden during WWII in an underground bunker for nine months! No daylight , No radio, No TV, No Netflix, No newspaper. Very little food and we survived. So please don’t complain, we will Survive and be better for it !!!!! Stay healthy Leon Kleiner

Hope and Confidence by Philipp Sonntag, Berlin, Germany

Posted on March 30, 2020

Dear Global Child Survivors, For years, so many child survivors in Germany had been lonely, alone at home, desperate about politics, already before the Corona attack came! Our members are longing today for our next bi-annual meeting, as planned for May, but unfortunately, it will probably be postponed.  What can our Board do? The good, Continue Reading »

Reflections by Jeannette Morrison, New York, NY

Posted on March 30, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,   After this scourge is over & life gets back to some kind of a normal, maybe we can meet in St Louis?  Or is that too optimistic? Are you an optimist or a pessimist?  I usually see the glass half-full, but this bugger has me uncertain & off kilter.   How Continue Reading »

Reflections by a Hidden Jewish Child Survivor from Poland

Posted on March 30, 2020

Hi,    I sort of feel like I am writing to soulmates. Tonight my husband and I dared to go for a walk.  It was dark.  Nobody outside. It was a bit creepy.  We looked up the street and down just to be sure that was no human walking toward us.  We saw what appeared Continue Reading »

Reflections on the Coronavirus, Peter Tarjan, Miami, Florida

Posted on March 30, 2020

Ten days ago, we heard bad news about the local situation regarding the corona virus. It was March 19, 2020.  Seventy-six years ago to the day, when I was seven, my father turned on the radio in Budapest and the announcements were in German gibberish.  That was the day Hitler decided to occupy Hungary, Germany’s Continue Reading »

Reflections on the Coronavirus by Ruth Lindemann, Portland, Oregon

Posted on March 30, 2020

Hello Fellow Child Survivors. It is comforting to know you are out there, keeping safe so we can eventually meet again.  In the meantime keep busy learning new  things, reading good books, helping the neighbors, and washing hands.  Ruth Lindemann                                Continue Reading »

Some thoughts about the Coronavirus by Agnes Vertes, Connecticut

Posted on March 25, 2020

I would like to share with you that some people told me that the Coronavirus is like the Holocaust.  No way.  We are isolated, but not because we are Jews and afraid of being killed.  We have plenty food and water.  We are not completely cut off from the world because we have phones, computers, Continue Reading »

Why I Keep Attending WFJHS&D Conferences

Posted on March 15, 2020

In the Jewish community and even in the survivor community…not everyone sees the world through the same lens. And lots of folks have different reasons for attending the annual WFJHS&D conference being held this year in St. Louis on Oct 30-November 2. Some come in memory of their parents and grandparents. Some come to support Continue Reading »

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