With an attendance of 370 (including 135 survivors and spouses!) and coverage from multiple news outlets, this year’s conference can safely be called a huge success! The Israel location was especially nice for those with Israeli relatives.
When “the last witnesses” are gone, the last survivors and child survivors are gone…. who will bear witness in the museums, who will speak to the visitors and to the students, who will go into the schools, who will do the personal interviews for school projects… who will remind the world what occurred so long Continue Reading »
Please use this link to view more from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance: https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/media-room/stories/ihra-honorary-chairman-statement IHRA Honorary Chairman Statement | IHRA INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE ALLIANCE IHRA Honorary Chairman Statement “We share a commitment to throw light on the still obscured shadows of the Holocaust.” — Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust IHRA Honorary Continue Reading »
Michael Berenbaum speaks on “Holocaust Memory” – how is the Holocaust remembered when all witnesses are gone, the responsibilities of Descendants, to tell the stories.
Houston, Texas 2015 Conference a Great Success! World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants and Generations of the Shoah International (GSI), with Houston Holocaust Museum – 2015 Joint Conference Houston Texas, USA, October 9-12, 2015. The feedback has been very positive. Speakers, workshops, panels, entertainment, all excellent. Were you there? If yes, send us your Continue Reading »
Following are links to important articles that, because of space limitations, could not be included in our latest newsletter Mishpocha! The articles deal with topics discussed at our Berlin 2014 Conference or are personal descriptions of the conference. ****** A critique of Holocaust education in Germany, by Anna Rosmus. In this article Ms. Rosmus tells the Continue Reading »
“Lost Childhood” Survivor Fund (From Jewish Family Service, Detroit, Michigan, USA, January 2, 2015) The basic guidelines are as follows: • The fund is available beginning January 1, 2015 with no deadline for submitting applications at this time. • The compensation is a one-time payment of 2,500 Euros. • A survivor must have been born Continue Reading »
Berlin Conference 2014 Huge Success. Over 375 attend, Child Survivors, 2G, 3G, entire families, from 16 countries. Below is link to article by Dr. Charles Silow, 2G from Detroit on the 2014 Berlin Conference http://chaim2g.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/DetroitJewishNews-3.pdf Charley’s article appeared in the Detroit Jewish News. Charley has also written about his visit to the Lodz Commemoration, after Continue Reading »
We cry during the day and dance at night – photos by Melissa Traub, Charles Silow, Uri Ophir, Rene Lichtman, Mel Boas.
70th Commemoration of the Liquidation of the Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto Click here to read an article by Dr. Charles Silow, 2G from Detroit on Charley’s visit to his family home in Lodz, Poland. Also photos by Dr. Charles Silow.
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