2014 Conference, Berlin

Following are links to important articles that, because of space limitations, could not be included in our latest newsletter Mishpocha! The articles deal with topics discussed at our Berlin 2014 Conference or are personal descriptions of the conference.


A critique of Holocaust education in Germany, by Anna Rosmus. In this article Ms. Rosmus tells the story of Flora Altbair, Holocaust survivor but one of many “countless missing links” who might have been lost to history. Click on Flora Anna Rosmus


Report from Berlin Conference by Kindertransport 2G, Anita Grosz. Click on  Anita Grosz


The day following our Berlin 2014 Conference, the World Federation organized an important meeting with the Claims Conference and German officials. The goal was reparations for our “Lost Childhoods”. Following the meeting, a German newspaper “Die Welt” published the following article, here translated by the Berlin Child Survivors Group. Click on They Survived the Holocaust


Correction: below incorrectly attributes the Child Survivor panel articles Dr. Krell submitted  – to the Claims Conference Symposium.

Below is a copy of Dr. Krell’s speech given at the Claims Conference Symposium, August 27th, 2014.

Symposium_ Berlin_Dr_Robert_Krell_August_27_2014

Below is Dr. Robert Krell evaluation of World Federation presentations, not Claims Conference, during the Berlin Conference 2014. Apologies for the erroneous title:

Claims Conference PresentationsMishpocha submission February 2015 – Berlin – Robert Krell

MLB__140826_5339_Mel Boas




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