She has Zoom conferences with her daughters, meets with her doctors, has calls with her friends. She Zooms with docents at the Holocaust museum and now, with the help of Jewish Family Service, she meets with other Holocaust survivors and social workers. The calls ease the loneliness and isolation the pandemic has brought and addresses issues that often are unique to Holocaust survivors.
The Zoom calls started in communities which have large populations of Holocaust survivors, explained Sandy Lessig, who serves on the international board of directors of the World Federation of Jewish Survivors and Descendants.
“So, I started getting some emails about how in Amsterdam [they are having Zoom calls], and they’re doing it in Paris and they’re doing it in Detroit, in different places where they’re getting survivors together by Zoom and encouraging them to talk about how it feels to be so isolated and away from family and how they’re getting by,” Lessig told the Jewish Herald Voice (Houston, TX)
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